Tuesday, August 27, 2013

TNG Adds It's Highest Paying Affiliate Program

The first affiliate program I had ever heard of was Amazon.com - where you could sign up for free and then sell their inventory, earning a commission on everything you sold.  I was heavily involved in network marketing at the time, so this concept was already familiar to me.  I realized that residual income was so much better than linear income could ever hope to be.  So my mind was open to the concept - and I had read a book by Robert G. Allen, Multiple Streams of Income, which had me even more open minded than several of my business partners in MLM.

By 2004, I was not making the kind of money I had hoped to be making after 5 years in an MLM. So I decided to gradually move on and try something else.  I started my own business, building websites for small businesses. Then I started to look at affiliate programs again.

You name it and I've probably been involved at some point, giving me a wealth of experience that most others just do not have.  I Saw the rise and fall of several programs, like agloco, and other 'paid to surf' affiliate programs. I started to see more and more of the Amazon type affiliate programs emerge.  I was there when commission junction got Going and started to offer a PLETHERA of affiliate programs.

In fact, my earliest memories of CommissionJunction was that it was way TOO much to sell; There were sooo many options that I became overwhelmed.  Today it's even more than it was then to choose from in their library of affiliate options; proving to anyone that doubts, there are more than enough Opportunities in the world today.

There just aren't enough hard workers. Everyone wants it to come easy.

I won't lie, even I would love for it to be easy as well; but then perhaps I would not appreciate it as much as I do. Perhaps others will only appreciate success IF they have to struggle and fight for it; What a concept!

One of the biggest differences between affiliate programs and mlm companies, is that a person really and truly COULD earn a significant income without needing to depend on other people. The downside to this is most affiliate marketers, would fall into the Self-Employed quadrant on Robert Kiyosaki's "Cash Flow" Chart.

The Cashflow Quadrant Chart
As you'll see and start to understand, the Self Employed Side never gets wealthy. The key to wealth is found in leverage and for the past 50 years, that can be found in the MLM industry. What has happened over the past 10 years is a Convergence of Affiliate Programs (low cost, affordable entry) and the Network Marketing Industry (slightly more expensive, with mass appeal products and/or services) - in other words; there are more and more Affiliate Programs, that are set up like Network Marketing Companies. This has caused some confusion in the industry today.

Almost as I was overwhelmed by the choices in CommissionJunction, People are now overwhelmed with choices in the MLM Industry; They don't know the difference between Affiliates and MLM's; and often end up either Focusing on ONE THING; or trying to do Way too much at once.

... Or they quit - opting to do nothing at all.

TopNetworkersGroup, was created so that I could help people get some Clarity; and some real Leadership in this wilderness that we're all in. I felt that people needed to follow some one who actually Understands this industry and how WE should be approaching it today.

So in 2010 I began doing what I felt others should do.... Using affiliate programs to build a network; and make money - so that me and those business partners could make money in Other places. Over the course of the next 3 years, I found out just how important a few things are - like, Loyalty, Teamwork, and Commitment to our Goal.

I also understand the need for Focus.

So when we created our One MLM System - it helped give all our team members a FOCUSED method to earn from Multiple Streams of Income; and give other people plenty of options to work directly together; toward the goal.

However, the 1mlmsystem is just part of TopNetworkersGroup.

It's the important part, where you get Training; and you get a System to truly help you grow your team - but I continue to test out Opportunities; to make sure that they work; Some eventually may fit into our System; Some may not.  Two of those for now include LevelOneNetwork, and WakeUpNow - which is our highest paying affiliate program in our list of programs.

It may very well be the Highest Paying Affiliate in our industry today as well.

Learn More About What WE are Doing with WakeUpNow

Check out our latest update on this Powerful affiliate program; along with how our team will help you be more successful through learning a few secrets that only we know about.

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